Miguel Ruiz Jr in the new Studio

Recently, I received a phone call from the manager of an author looking for a headshot. We agreed to the work and planned the date. A week or so later, Miguel and his Mama showed up at my new studio, ready to shoot. We worked through a bunch of different looks and picked our [...]



We all have bucket lists. There has always been, what I consider to be, impossible dreams or places that I find just out of my reach to travel. Let me be the first to tell you that nothing is out of your reach and the term "impossible dream" is a load of crap. I [...]


The Abstract

Looking into the past, anyone would tell you that I was always more interested in fine art over portraiture. I am not saying that portraiture isn't art, or not considered "fine art." The teachers that have taught me everything I know are recognized as artists and rightfully so. After all, it is an effective [...]

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