In today’s world, it seems that Freedom is expressed and defined in an infinite amount of ways. What is Freedom to you? Sure, sure, sure … before you hit that political soapbox or talk about religion, define in a way that you practice Freedom in your everyday life. Exercising Freedom sometimes stops people dead in their tracks. It opens the door to judgment and consequence. Freedom to them isn’t the same as it is to you … who’s definition is correct? The answer lies in the very essence of the word and the way in which you choose to live. Sure, it starts with opinion but it shows up in your actions. Choose to be free and Freedom will be present in your everyday life. It was utterly refreshing to be present with these two gentlemen as they expressed their definition of Freedom through their actions. We decided that a photo shoot before their wedding was ideal as they wanted to spend the most time with the people they invited.  During our pre-wedding session it was just us; no guests, no assistants, just us. Meeting Kent and Gary and photographing these two was a real unlocking moment for me. After all the wait and plenty of planning, the wedding day was here. Photographing at the Nevada Museum of Art is something I’ll never take for granted. I love the venue and love visiting the same place Jenna and I had our wedding. It was a special experience in particular because my favorite modern painter of all time, Mark Rothko, had a piece hanging in one of the galleries. We were lucky enough to photograph the family images with these paintings in the background. As the afternoon turned into evening the moments never dulled and the party was alive. The feeling of Freedom I have running around like a kid with my cameras is hard to describe. As people are having authentic experiences with each other, I’m just out of frame looking in through my lens. In this case, Freedom allows me to create a career around my passion and puts me in places I might never be, meeting people I would never meet. This Freedom stuff is expansive! Gary and Kent, thanks so much for your trust and the experience, it will not be forgotten.